Welcome to my personal website!
My name is Dr. Elise van der Mark. I am a researcher, projectmanager, adviser and author. My focus is on applying research to tackle societal challenges in various domains in my home country the Netherlands as well as in the Global Health and International Development field. This website shows my previous and recent (academic and social) research, publications and projects. Please feel free to contact me via the below options! Personal Inspiration "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has". -Margaret Mead- |
Academic summary
* PhD Cum Laude (transdisciplinary) Development, Women's, and Disability Studies * MSc Cum Laude Development Studies * BSc Anthropology & Development * BA Visual Marketing |
Contact Details
Personal: info@elisevandermark.com Current Work: elise.vandermark@ipsos.com |